Project Stewards
The Center for Tribal Nations began as a joint project of Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) and OMSI. Currently, the Northwest Native Chamber (NWNC) provides key convening and facilitation for future phases of the project. NWNC is a community of professionals, advisors, organizations, entrepreneurs, and companies collectively working toward success in business and community in the Pacific Northwest. Leveraging their established leadership role within the community and their focus on economic development, NWNC is well positioned to lead the Center for Tribal Nations project into future phases that will allow it to become a reality.

Project Partners

Metro Regional Government
2040 planning and development grants

Meyer Memorial Trust
Meyer accelerates racial, social and economic justice for the collective well-being of Oregon’s lands and peoples.

Multnomah County
“Research demonstrates the efficacy of culturally-responsive services led by community-based organizations who hold strong relationships with diverse communities. The creation of a Center for Tribal Nations and a waterfront education park developed by tribes, Native organizations, and community partners is an opportunity to restore Native communities’ presence along the Willamette River.”
-Multnomah County Commissioners

Prosper Portland
Building an Equitable Economy
Providing technical assistance, access to financing, support for the property transaction, and coordination amongst OMSI and city bureaus for the district’s infrastructure development and the CTN’s land use approval process.

The mission of NARA NW is to provide education, physical and mental health services and substance abuse treatment that is culturally appropriate to American Indians, Alaska Natives and anyone in need.

Infracenters LLC
Infracenter's Approach
InfraCenters LLC develops district utility solutions to help solve today’s pressing challenges. We work with communities to co-create a use case and business model, then we design, permit, finance, build, and provide for the operations and maintenance, all while meticulously addressing regulatory considerations. Our commitment lies in ensuring broad participation in everything we do.

Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
“THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, ATNI supports the CTN and WEP projects, including the visions and tribal and community-centered planning processes”

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
OMSI District Vision
The OMSI District Master Plan is to create a one-of-a-kind neighborhood that is an inclusive community destination with innovation, culture, arts, and science learning at its heart. The OMSI District vision comes from a collaboration of local, Tribal and regional government entities, nonprofits, and businesses.

Native Wellness Institute
NWI's Mission
The Native Wellness Institute exists to promote the well-being of Native people through programs and trainings that embrace the teachings and traditions of our ancestors.

Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission
Since time immemorial, the tribes and bands along the Columbia River have lived intertwined with the fish that run the river’s course. The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, and the Nez Perce Tribe have unique cultural practices, dialects, homelands, and histories. Nonetheless, the tribes share a common vision of the significance of salmon.

City of Portland, Oregon
City Programs supporting the CTN:
Parks and Recreation
Tribal Liaison Office
Prosper Portland
Bureau of Environmental Services

Kimley Horn
Department of Tribal Projects
Supporting NWNC with project management, design review and feasibility studies
Earthwise Designs
Earthwise Designs
Project Management

Blue Lotus Consulting
Advisory Committee Management and Coordination
Assisting the Center for Tribal Nations Advisory Committee in advocating and steering the vision of the CTN.

Native Roots Design
Design and Community Economic Development
Assisting the Center for Tribal Nations in design review, and guiding the community economic benefits of the CTN.

Wisdom of The Elders Inc.
Wisdom records, preserves, and shares oral history, cultural arts, language concepts, and traditional ecological knowledge of exemplary Native American elders, storytellers, and scientists in collaboration with diverse institutions, agencies, and organizations. Our vision: Native American cultural sustainability, multimedia education, and cultural reconciliation.

Long Haul Capital Group
Building. Sustainable. Prosperity.
Long Haul Capital Group works with committed investors by aligning capital with changing consumer preferences to build a sustainable American economy.

Native-Owned Engineering and Design
Akana is a Native American owned professional services firm helping clients plan, design, engineer and manage projects in the built environment.

Portland State University
School of Gender, Race, and Nations
Department of Indigenous Nations Studies
Department of Indigenous Nations Studies
SGRN will forge alliances across disciplines, displacing entrenched orthodoxies and discourses of power and privilege. It will achieve its vision through a teaching and research agenda that critically examines and challenges exclusionary disciplinary boundaries as well as conceptual and systemic borders.

Native American Youth and Family Center
The NAYA Family Center’s core values, as determined by staff, students, elders, and community members, are Respect, Balance, Pride, Giving, Community, Tradition, Kindness, Accountability, Diversity and Leadership.

Nesika Wilamut
Values Statement
We are an indigenous-led network that focuses on the health of the Willamette River through a social justice lens.

Wenaha Group
Native-Owned, Values Driven
Wenaha Group is a Native American-owned Owner’s Representative, Construction Management & Consulting Firm that specializes in education, tribal, public agency, housing and healthcare projects. We serve clients and their communities across the United States.

Mount Hood Cherokees
Mt. Hood Cherokees is a community of Cherokees dedicated to Cherokee history, culture, heritage, tradition and fellowship. Most of our members live outside the 14 county reservation, located in northeast Oklahoma, and reside primarily in Oregon and SW Washington. We have come together on the basis of our shared history and heritage, and out of an interest in the continuation of and a love for the Cherokee People and Nation. We are a non-political, non-profit organization.
Mayer/Reed, Inc. is an interdisciplinary Portland, Oregon based design studio providing urban design, landscape architecture, visual communications and experiential graphic design. Our work in creating places for human activity explores the social, cultural, ecological and historic contexts that shape these environments.